Rates and Fees 2018

Initial Fees

Call 646 529-3108 Or Email alod123@gmail.com for current Rates

Child to teacher Ratios Matter!

Registration Fees (All Children)    ……………………. $150 yearly          

Supply Fees (Part Timers) …………. $15 monthly   After School ………….. $100 yearly

Security:  All students are required to pay security worth  half a months tuition upon registration.  Security is half of all the rates below except for after school and part time.. For after school it is a flat rate $100.  Part time security is calculated by multiplying 2 weeks worth of your weekly hours and then multiplied by your part time hourly rate.  See below for rates.

Security will be returned to all families on the last day of care providing that we were given 30 day notice regarding a family vacating their spot or changing their schedule.

                                                          Monthly Tuition Rates

Infants 3-24 months (Fees apply even if Infant advances to Toddler Classroom)

5 day tuition…………………………………….Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly rate

4 day tuition…………………………………….Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly rate

3 day tuition…………………………………….Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly rate

Part Time………………………………………..Call 646 529-3108 for current Hourly rate

Care before 8am or after 6pm……………………………………..$7 every half hour

Children 24 months until Kindergarten

5 day tuition……………………………………..Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly

4 day tuition……………………………………..Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly

3 day tuition……………………………………..Call 646 529-3108 for current Monthly

Part Time…………………………………………Call 646 529-3108 for current Hourly rate

Care before 8am or after 6pm……………………………………..$7 every half hour

After School

Monthly Tuition (PS 17, 234, drop offs)………………….$295 (2-6PM)

Monthly Tuition (other school with pickup)…………….$395 plus travel (2-6PM)

Monthly Tuition (All Day Care Summer Season)…..$695 (8-6PM)

Extended day during school season…………………..$  25 per day

Care before 8am or after 6pm…………………………….$   6 every half hour

Tuition due by 12 noon.  See invoice for tuition due date.

Other Important Rates to be aware of

Late payments…………………………………..$10 every business day starting 12:01 noon the day that tuition is due.  An additional $10 is added every business day at 12:01 noon.

Late pick up with phone call by 5:45 pm..$ 7 every half hour bell rang after 5:59PM

Late pick up no phone call…………………..$10 every 5 minutes bell rang after 5:59PM

Sick Room ………………………………………$  8 every half hour less tuition already paid

NSF (Bounced Checks)……………………..$35 per item plus and additional $10 every business day for late payment due to bounced check.

Tuition is due by 12 noon.  See invoice for tuition due date. You are responsible for tuition payment one month prior to service regardless of whether you receive an invoice.

Cloth diapers may require an additional charge and a certification letter from the laundering company on how they are sanitized.